For many companies and individuals, tax obligations pose challenges and concerns from a legal point of view: corporate tax, taxation of digital assets, internationalization... and with a long way ahead in the event of legal proceedings. This is why having a specialized tax lawyer can help you prevent the involuntary assumption of unnecessary risks and even enables cost savings in the long term.
Tax advice for companies and individuals
Tax lawyer for individuals
- Advice on the planning of Personal Income Tax, Wealth Tax and Inheritance and Gift Tax with the aim of minimizing, within the current legislation, the tax burden to be borne by taxpayers by taking advantage of applicable tax benefits.
- Tax advice for expatriates and inpatriates.
- Tax advice on financial products.
Tax on Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
- Tax advice on the planning and execution of corporate restructuring deals (mergers, spin-offs, asset contributions, stock swaps and other restructuring formulas) in search of the most efficient and beneficial solutions for our clients.
- Transfers and acquisitions of companies with the aim of optimizing the taxation in these transactions.
Tax lawyers for companies
- Advice and planning related to Corporate Income Tax (or Non-Resident Income Tax) and Value Added Tax through the adoption of tax effective measures that promote the development of the company's business.
- Advice on special tax schemes such as REITs (in Spanish, Socimis), Foreign Securities Holding Entities, Venture Capital Entities, Investment Funds, etc.
- Advice on direct and indirect taxation matters related to the acquisition and subsequent management of debt portfolios.
- Withholdings on account of Personal Income Tax (IRPF), Transfer Tax and Stamp Duty, etc.
Corporate collaboration and tax implications
- Advice on the taxation of the different business collaboration models: Economic Interest Groups, European Economic Interest Groups and Temporary Joint Ventures.
Tax lawyers for family businesses
- Advice and planning of Wealth and Generational Succession Tax exemption through the adoption of measures that enable its applicability and minimize the tax implications of inherited businesses.
- Assistance in the transfer of family businesses.
- Analysis and advice on remuneration schemes for family members involved in the management of the business as well as for those who only participate in the capital.
- Preparation and implementation of family protocols.
International Taxes
- Advice on international investment and divestment structures.
- Repatriation of profits.
- Tax advice on international expansion of companies.
- Our lawyers are specialized in Tax Law within the US jurisdiction.
Tax inspections and proceedings
- Tax Inspections: representing and defending the client's interests before the Tax Inspection. Planning and execution of the strategy to be followed during the inspection as well as in the event of subsequent litigation.
- Management and Collection Procedures: we advise and represent our clients before the different Tax Agency bodies in the event of formal requests, value checks, parallel tax assessments, etc.
- Administrative and judicial proceedings: representation and defense of our client's interests.
International mobility and tax implications
- Tax advice on international mobility, for expats and inpats.
- Tax advice for international executives.
When an employee is relocated to Spain or to a third country, it’s essential to take into account the job-related legal implications that the transfer may bring about in order to avoid problems. Our firm has experts in labor law that will be able to advise you.
Contact our expert tax lawyers
Our expert tax lawyers are constantly on top of the latest regulations and doctrinal and case law trends related to taxation, as well as the main issues that these raise for companies. For the most appropriate planning of your company's fiscal strategy, in terms of taxes, deductions, etc., you should rely on specialized teams such as ours. We can help you.

Análisis Técnico: Sentencias del Ámbito Tributario
- Noviembre 2021 - Declaración de inconstitucionalidad de la Plusvalía Municipal
- Julio 2020 - Efectos de la declaración de inconstitucionalidad del pago fraccionado mínimo
Análisis Técnico: Impuestos
- Septiembre 2020 - Guía Práctica de la Reforma del Impuesto de Sucesiones en Cataluña
Análisis Técnico: Actualidad
- Noviembre 2021 - Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado 2022
- Febrero 2021 - Enmiendas Proyecto de Ley de medidas de prevención y lucha contra el fraude fiscal
- Diciembre 2020 - Presupuestos, medidas de prevención y fraude fiscal
- Diciembre 2020 - Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado 2021

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