The Startup Law introduces the digital nomad visa

Patricia Ruiz, an expert in foreigners and mobility, publishes an article in Economist&Jurist about the Startups Law and the introduction of the digital nomad visa, in which she explains what it consists of, what benefits it has and how it can be obtained.

Our lawyer explains that this digital nomad visa "is an express authorization to reside and work that is granted to nationals of a third country (also known as 'non-EU nationals') so that they can stay in Spain and carry out an employment or professional activity at a distance for companies located outside the national territory, through the exclusive use of IT means and systems".

It details that "at present, there are few countries in the world that allow individuals to work for foreign companies while residing in the territory of the country where the entity does not have a permanent establishment".

The Startups Law, approved last December 22, 2022, brings this permit that allows foreign workers to work for foreign companies while residing in Spain and introduces other modifications to the Entrepreneurs Law.

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