eIDAS2: new obligation for electronic identification in transactions

eIDAS2 is the new obligation for electronic identification in transactions proposed by the European Union, which will come into force during the new year 2024. Ramón Mesonero-Romanos, partner in the area of data protection and digital law, explains what it consists of in his article for the AJA Magazine.

Our expert points out that this novelty introduces: "uniform technical standards and a mandatory certification for the issuance of digital wallets". When will it come into force? "Final adoption is expected in March 2024, following the vote in plenary session and the foreseeable approval in January 2024". 

Once this new obligation for electronic identification (also called elDAS2) is approved, there will be a 24-month period for its adaptation.

Our expert lawyer in digital law also adds that, in order for the legal linkage to be correct in the interaction between people and companies with this novelty in electronic identification for transactions, some concepts remain integrated with eIDAS2 such as: "the electronic signature; the qualified certificate of website authentication; the electronic seal; or the certified electronic delivery service".

You can consult both the article and the magazine here.

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